Writer, Editor, Educator, & Speaker
Read about Melissa in Canvas Rebel, Bold Journey; and Voyage Raleigh Magazines.
New Releases
Larry and Sally the Roanoke Logperch are the new champions for Roanoke River. Melissa B. Rooney and Jane Gabrielle creatively weave together dynamic lessons on fish anatomy, behavior, life history, river ecology, and the ways modern living (such as dams and roads) can adversely affect river health. The upshot is an engaging ecological primer for 3rd and 4th graders that concludes with positive actions readers can take to enhance environmental awareness and stewardship.
-- Paul Angermeier, Ph.D., Virginia Tech College of Natural Resources and Environment, Department of Fish and Wildlife Conservation
Released by Froward Press in June 2024, Larry the Logperch was commissioned by the Kiwanis Club of Roanoke, Virginia, who is distributing the book to children free of charge, (depending on funding). To request your copy, explain why you would like the book and leave your address using the “Sign Up” button below. Teachers who will use the book in their lesson plans are especially encouraged to apply.
My next project, Summer Dreaming follows the life cycle of an insect species in which only the male grows wings, presenting a metaphor that encourages children to be themselves - in all their glory and despite human-imposed limitations based on assigned gender.
Note: If you are remotely interested in pre-ordering the book, please Contact Melissa and provide your contact info (email address or more) — a (potential) preorder list (with contact info) will help a great deal when it comes to finding an agent/publisher.
Melissa Rooney is also the author of the Eddie the Electron children’s book series and the award-winning Fate of the Frog. See all of her books HERE.
See detailed testimonials about Melissa’s workshops, writing residencies and readings from educators, museums, and community organizations HERE.
For Kids
Links to science-related and other educational, kid-friendly articles, activities, and events. [Warning: Your kids may end up pestering you to do these, but the whole family will benefit.]
For Teachers/Parents
Links to science-related and other educational articles, activities, and events, including Melissa’s hands-on STEM workshops and how to book them.
For Organizations, College/Grad Students, and Laboratory PI's
To book Melissa for scientific (grants, articles) and literary editing, or hands-on STEM workshops for corporate, nonprofit, and government family fun days, festivals, story-times, etc.
Your Support Matters
If you have enjoyed Melissa’s blog articles, videos, and other free resources, please make a small donation toward her work. All donations pay directly for costs (gas, supplies) for the free educational workshops Melissa provides in support of Science and Sustainability at public libraries, museums, schools, and other venues, including the NC Science Festival, UNC Science Expo, Virginia Tech STEAM Day, Science Museum of Western Virginia, Virginia Museum of Transportation, Danville Science Center, Roanoke Sustainability Series, Richmond Booklovers Festival, and many more.
If you’d rather donate to a cause that Melissa supports, please do so using the links to her affiliations below.
Urban Sustainability Solutions
Founded by Soil and Water Conservationist, Educator, & Environmental Engineer Mike Dupree, UrbanSS trains teachers (& their students) in sustainable stormwater management practices and pays them to install & maintain them on low-income properties.
Durham Arts Council
Melissa conducts workshops in Durham and surrounds through the Durham Arts Council’s Creative Arts in the Public and Private Schools (CAPS) program. In addition, this website was paid for with a Durham Arts Council Artist Support grant.
Durham Animal Protection Society
Melissa’s upcoming children’s book, One Proud Black Cat, is about a cat named Kale who was adopted through the Durham Animal Protection Society.
The Regulator Bookshop
The Regulator is an independent bookstore with a long history in Durham, NC (Melissa’s hometown). Like all independent bookstores, it needs continued community support to survive.
New List Item
The Kiwanis Club of Roanoke, VA, installed & are responsible for maintaining a sustainable stormwater-managing Nature Park in a historically underserved area in the waterway where endangered Roanoke Logperch live. The Kiwanis commissioned & are distributing copies of Larry the Roanoke Logperch to elementary students throughout the Roanoke River watershed, free of charge.
My letter to Durham Public Schools Superintendent and the DPS Board of Education today. in response to a student death by suicide at one of their middle schools.