Advanced Reader's Copy: *Eddie the Electron Moves Out*
I received my ARC (Advanced Reader's Copy) of Eddie The Electron Moves Out (the sequel to Eddie the Electron) today!
Eddie the Electron Moves Out: ARC Cover Illustration
I got tears in my eyes when I read it - seriously. I can’t get over the incredible quality of every aspect of the book. Harry Pulver's illustrations are PERFECT. Better than I ever imagined. It is truly my privilege (and great luck!) to be partnered with such an intelligent and gifted artist, and one with such impressive and pertinent credentials. An award-winning Polka rock band? I can’t wait to hear his NPR interview ;-).
And it is truly a pleasure to ride the Amberjack Publishing wave, which is fueled by such discerning yet open minds and hearts.
I really want to get these books in public school classrooms as well as private and home-school environments.
Regardless of any financial benefits to me, I have seen the boring manner in which so many kids are taught science, particularly in low-income public schools. I know Eddie would spark their interest, at least for a short while (which is something).
If we are going to continue functioning rationally and objectively (the only path to a viable future), we MUST find a way to make science and scientific thinking a real part of our young people’s lives.
If you agree, please consider sending a copy of Eddie The Electron and/or Eddie Moves Out to your child's teacher or your district's elementary school superintendent. You can even email me your letter to the teacher/administrator with the pertinent address, and I will send them a free copy directly along with your letter:
Thanks for your help!
Eddie the Electron Moves Out: illustration from the book