Manic Monday, Everyday Jitters, and Implementation Activation

My #ThemeSong today is Manic Monday, written by Prince and performed by The Bangles. Here’s a great NPR story on how Prince came to give the song to the Bangles quite early in their musical career:

It seems I have this song in my head most Mondays now; and when I don’t, my 10-year-old walks in the kitchen and starts singing it so that I do 🙃.


#VoiceInMyHead today:

"You are so good at determining the ways you're going to improve yourself and so bad at implementing them."

As I feel myself getting jittery to check the stock market in 30 minutes (and determined not to), I am channeling that energy into implementation activation.


Missed my last post? You can find it here:

Melissa Rooney

Melissa Bunin Rooney is a picture-book author, freelance writer and editor, 2nd-generation Polish-Lithuanian immigrant; Southerner (NC and VA); Woman in Science (Ph.D. Chemistry); Australian-U.S. citizen; and Soil and Water Conservationist. She provides hands-on STEM and literary workshops and residencies for schools and organizations, as well as scientific and literary editing services for businesses, universities, non-profits, and other institutions. Melissa also reviews theater and live performances for Triangle Theater Review and reviews books for NY Journal of Books.

Regarding Roth IRA's


Everyday Addiction