Melissa Rooney Writing

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Appreciating Earth Day the Easy Way

It's' a marvelous day in Durham, NC, to appreciate the Earth - and what better way than to conscientiously recognize and take time to be grateful for the miracles of Nature that are *right* outside your door.

Despite our "one proud black cat", who is generally on a leash when outside, our yard has become a bird sanctuary with little nests in every hidden cranny.

I took the video below this morning. These are the second pair of house finches to rear their chicks on our property this spring (and it's only April!). No matter how often I witness their nest building, eggs laying and chicks growing, it never ceases to amaze and tickle me.



This was the first chick to hatch in the same nest just a few days ago. Looks like a tiny fraggle 🥰:



I hope you'll make the time to walk outside your home or workplace today (without your cell phone in hand) and pay homage to the wonder that is Nature, then commit to at least one small way you can help preserve the health of our beautiful planet moving forward.

For instance, I haven't bought glasses or cups in years. We just wash and use mason jars from store-bought salsa, pickles, spaghetti sauce, etc. Boom! Just helped the planet. PLUS, I save money and the frustration of losing glasses/cups every time we go somewhere. Win-win.



P.S. My #ThemeSong today is Peter Gabriel's Down to Earth, a groovy little tune that's on the Wall-E movie soundtrack and that is perfect for Earth Day:
