#My Ten Cents: Amazon’s Shipping Advantage

Note: Madonna’s “Material World” was the song that was going through my head when I sat down to write today, so I had to upload and listen to it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6p-lDYPR2P8 . You should too :-) .

We can go to court all we want (or as long as Amazon can postpone court action while they try to maintain control of the politics). But I think the course of action that most benefits everyone is for Amazon to sell its shipping services arm to the US Postal Service, and for the USPO to provide free or at least the most affordable public shipping FOR ALL (no ifs, ands or buts).

Shipping costs should NOT be an advantage of one retail company over another any longer.

Taking this advantage away from Amazon - and those waiting to take Amazon’s place— would level the retail playing field immensely.

If we can keep those who want to sabotage this mutually beneificial postal communal contract from destroying our postal service altogether., we just might be able to to keep the worm in the can.

The US postal system was the World Wide Web before there was an Internet. Before that, not coincidentally, the roads making up the public transportation network of the Roman Empire filled this role.

The shipment of goods and communication (letters and books), should be a quintessential role of government. And we, the people, should fund it.

Melissa Rooney

Melissa Bunin Rooney is a picture-book author, freelance writer and editor, 2nd-generation Polish-Lithuanian immigrant; Southerner (NC and VA); Woman in Science (Ph.D. Chemistry); Australian-U.S. citizen; and Soil and Water Conservationist. She provides hands-on STEM and literary workshops and residencies for schools and organizations, as well as scientific and literary editing services for businesses, universities, non-profits, and other institutions. Melissa also reviews theater and live performances for Triangle Theater Review and reviews books for NY Journal of Books.


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