Psychopaths make up about 1 percent of the general population (sociopaths make up3-4%), yet at least 1 in 5 CEO’s are clinically psychopaths. Sadder still, the same proportion (~20%) of prison inmates are diagnosed as psychopaths.

More men than women are psychopaths, which is no surprise given that men make up 95% of CEO’s and 93% of prison inmates. But is this because they are biologically male or because of the importance society has historically pushed upon them solely because they are male? Nature versus Nurture questions perpetually haunt me.

Although the influence of age, race and gender on psychopathologic traits are cloudy at best, gender does appear to have a pretty clear effect. In multiple studies, women have scored as much as three times lower than men on psychopathic evaluations, even when comparing violent criminals. But is this because women are innately less psychopathic? Or is it because our society berates psychopathic behavior in women (who are seen as bossy, bitchy, or just plain crazy), while admiring it in men (who are seen as decisive, aggressive, effective).

Regardless, if we are to take seriously the current turmoil in our country and world, we must admit that society rewards psychopathy; and this is the most disturbing thing of all. How do we stop THAT madness? Replacing psychopathic men with societally-filtered non-psychopathic women may be a good start.

Melissa Rooney

Melissa Bunin Rooney writes picture books, poetry and freelance; reviews picture books for New York Journal of Books and live performances for Triangle Theater Review; provides literary and scientific editing services for American Journal Experts, scientific researchers and students; and writes and manages grants for 501c3 nonprofit Urban Sustainability Solutions. She also provides STEM and literary workshops and residencies for schools and organizations through the Durham Arts Council’s Creative Arts in Public and Private Schools (CAPS) program.

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