Short-Changing Babies
… I thought that women and doctors insisting on early births for nonmedical reasons lived only in cynical imaginations and television soap operas. Turns out that, in the last decade, the main stream has effectively reduced ‘full-term’ to 37 weeks…

My Place in the Current
… Regardless of any personal definition of ‘The Powers that Be’, it’s hard not to feel that I am being pulled by a current, whether or not I play any part in creating that current and whether or not I choose to ride the current or paddle against it…

Don’t Worry, Be Bored
… Much of our anxiety ‘stems from our busy, overactive minds always needing entertainment, something to focus on, and always wondering ‘What’s next?’ …

The Perils of Christmas
I love the Christmas decorations and songs that permeate offices, stores and homes. I love the legend of Santa Claus, who dedicates his life to the service of others. And I think it is important to remember and teach our kids about Jesus, if not as the Son of God, then as a most significant historical, political and spiritual figure and the cornerstone of the world's largest religion. But each year I have increasingly conflicted feelings about Christmas and the hypocritical way it's celebrated…

Homeowners Hung Out to Dry
… The legalities surrounding stormwater issues are gray at best. Apparently, the state owns the water, the city owns the pipes and streams (though even that is debatable), and the property owners own the land. So who is accountable when stormwater redirected by private developers damages property downstream?…

Short-Changing Babies — A Presentation for the Perinatal Quality Collaborative of North Carolina (PQCNC)
Whether or not it’s true, a lot of people think that the reason such discussion doesn’t happen is because doctors nowadays are under pressure to see so many patients per day that they simply don’t have or take the time to engage their patients and truly question and inform them regarding their medical decisions. Furthermore, the medical business has become such a business that patients are too often seen as paying clients who deserve a significant level of customer service. In other words, their patients should get what they want as long as it doesn’t put the business in more danger of litigation…

The Second Time Around: To Circumcise or Not to Circumcise
Everything about this pregnancy was different…

Van Gogh Exhibit Gives Me Fever
Not long ago, I was rolling my eyes at another selfie taken in front of the giant reproduction of Starry Night covering the entrance of every venue for the Van Gogh Immersive Experience. Two days ago, I found myself at a show in Raleigh. When I got home, I researched the things I'd learned and found that we're not as sure of Van Gogh's history as we think.

A Lesson in Life and Dying: Becky Heron
Due in no small part to her husband, Becky’s realism and lack of pretense never abandoned her. She and her family enabled me to be a part of her departure from this world, and I will never allow my fear or awkwardness with death to keep me away again…

Unplugging the Drug
My first child didn’t watch even toddler videos until she was a year old. When watching television in her presence, my husband would turn her infant body so she faced away from the screen. Who knows what minute details her virgin brain was absorbing every millisecond? …

#VoiceInMyHead on April 13, 2023:
Those who are not willing to listen are not willing to learn. Walk away. There are plenty of people in this world who you can work with and love. Problem solved. *** Now think about the factions that violently divide this country….

Simple, Proven Self-Care Strategies for Kids
As with other essential disciplines, teaching your child the importance of self care begins with you. You must model healthy habits in your own life and show your child real-life examples of prioritizing them. This is not only good for your child, it’s good for you. With the help of Melissa B. Rooney, we share some simple tips…

How to Stay Fit as a Traveling Professional
Working on just one of these practices is a worthwhile endeavor, whether your work life involves traveling or not. But traveling for work exposes you to unhealthy things at every turn, and you can find yourself working more than caring for your own physical and mental health. It’s time to break the cycle. Setting these good habits now will not only improve your health, it will improve your job (and life) satisfaction.

Drunken Lament
I wrote this poem after a conversation with a new friend who introduced himself as an alcoholic and then offered me a beer.

At least 5 Mass Shootings over the Weekend !!??
If it’s mental health and not guns (as the incessant debate goes), then why isn’t our country providing universal coverage of mental health services for all – including therapy (not just drugs)? Texas governor Greg Abbott said that “the Uvalde school shooter had a “mental health challenge” and the state needed to “do a better job with mental health” — yet in April he slashed $211 million from the department that oversees mental health programs.” …

To Those Who Message(d) Me Privately This Week
After questioning the secretive and non-inclusive proceedings of a racially-based political action committee via Facebook, members of that organization attacked and ultimately removed me from the group. This article is in response to that experience.

Gun Control, #ThemeSong, and #QuoteOfTheDay
My #ThemeSong today is "Get up off of our knees" by a 1980's post-Smiths band called The Housemartins. I remember the first time I heard this song - I immediately wanted to learn the lyrics…

All or None (Parents, Cut Yourselves Some Slack)
This article was first published by the News and Observer in February, 2012. When people say, “It goes by so fast,” I usually respond, “If only it weren’t all or none.” If only we could stretch these early years to double their duration and half their intensity. It’s wonderful, but it isn’t easy. And we parents shouldn’t be so hard on ourselves.