Sunflower, Addiction, and Skating on Thin Ice
My #ThemeSong today has to be Sunflower by Vampire Weekend. It's a song that often pops into my head, particularly on bright sunny days and always when I see a sunflower. Before I left Durham, I bought a bouquet of sunflowers for my nextdoor neighbor's birthday, so of course the song's been in my head since I delivered them.
The video below came to me this morning, when I logged onto my Youtube channel. Addiction has been a key word in my head for months now, along with facilitation, calculated risks, acceptance... so many words, each with so many shades of definition. The question is not whether a behavior is addictive, it's whether you're okay with the consequences of that repetitive behavior (acceptance), whether that behavior is good for you or not (calculated risks). But we don't always consider our behaviors before we start facilitating them; and bad habits are harder to break than good habits are to form. It's also hard to discern what's good for you versus what's good for the people you care about and, therefore, what's good for all, which should be (but often isn't) the desired outcome.
Now for something more light-hearted even though it's science-y. I just love the title of the video below: "the otherworldly sounds of skating on thin ice". The metaphor is perfect, and the sounds truly are mesmerizing. Wish I could hear them in person.
Jellyfish on Carolina Beach this morning.