Grant Opportunities for Educators (April deadlines)
To make grant opportunities I know about available to more than just who I know, this article summarizes the educator grant opportunities I have successfully applied for. The word "grant" is intimidating, but often these grants are quite easy to apply for. Don't let the fear of bureaucracy stop you from at least skimming over what's required.
Grace and Mercy at UNC’s Memorial Hall
Although more than 200 Confederate monuments have been removed across the country since 2019, the slabs of Confederate names in UNC's Memorial Hall still stand, rendering the Carolina Performing Arts ' presentation of Grace and Mercy an act of justice in and of itself.
Why We're Cancelling Spotify
This week, my family deleted our Spotify account and became Tidal subscribers. This article explains why. We are happy to report that Tidal’s service and musical quality appear to be better than what we had with Spotify…
Preventing Mass Shootings
There was a mass shooting scare this week at Eckerd College in St. Petersburg, Florida, where my daughter is a student. Fortunately, the three day waiting period required for gun purchase provided the time that the community and police needed to perceive and prevent the threat.
Ukraine, Green Tea, Saving Young, and the Return to Live Theater
This is what I would have posted on Facebook today if I were not weening myself off Facebook. From facilitating your teenagers’ contributions to their Roth IRA’s (incredibly important if they are ever to have retirement savings) to naturally controlling high blood pressure (or not), this post has several informative nuggets you’ll be happy you consumed.
One Year Since Jan 6, and Still No Consequences for then Commander in Chief
We managed to score last minute tickets to the Holocaust Museum, where we spent hours reading through the horrifying evidence of genocide on display. The subtlety of Hitler's intentions preceding WWII and how his propaganda methods shielded the German population from recognizing and impeding them are undeniably similar to the methods used by former president Trump and his supporting legislators.
Petition Against the State's Override of Durham's Nomination for Soil and Water Conservation District Supervisor
Phoebe Gooding is an incredibly qualified BIPOC woman who the Durham Soil and Water Conservation District unanimously nominated for a recently vacated position on the board. In an unprecedented move, the state Soil and Water Conservation Commission chose not to appoint her and instead appointed another old white man with farming roots. This article is an appeal to readers to sign the petition in opposition of the state’s override.
Give your kids the gift of practical STEM education while supporting a Community Public School
To help educate the students and school community about the “stormwater control measure” installed on the big playground at E.K. Powe Elementary School (in Durham, NC), I've created a picture book containing before, during, and after photographs with text explaining the reasons and mechanisms behind the changes. Best for grades 4-7, it educates readers of all ages about the importance of sustainable landscaping, collaboration, and grants.
Regarding Durham's Capital Improvement Plans (2021)
We must make more existing outdoor spaces and playgrounds -particularly those at public schools - environmentally sustainable in terms of stormwater management. Too many of them, particularly in underserved schools/communities are being flooded or washed away in ever increasing rain events, polluting our streams, rivers, and lakes, which effects low-income citizens far more than those who can afford to drink bottled water.
Grounds Maintenance at Durham Schools? Call BETC!
This article addresses Durham Public Schools’ Bionomic Educational Training Centers or BETC program, which *pays* occupational course of study (OCS) students and teachers to install and maintain raingardens and other sustainable landscaping on school campuses and private properties:].
Covid Camping and Bear Hounding
During our 14-day quarantine after contracting Covid, my 5th-grade son, husband and I went camping in West Virginia and got educated in ways no classroom can provide. Despite our generally positive assessments of the Mountain Mama, our introduction to “bear hounding” was the lesson that stuck most…
My Covid Followup
Since my post a few weeks ago about my family contracting COVID (and the disturbing revelation that negative Covid PCR tests are wrong at least 20% of the time), a lot of people have asked me what it was like to have COVID as a doubly vaccinated 50-year-old. Here's my best attempt at putting it into words:
Thanks, Durham, I needed that! (EK Powe Elementary School Playground Dedication)
This morning was the dedication of a 3-years-long stormwater-control and playground redesign project at EK Powe Elementary School, on the edge of the Watts Hospital Hillandale Neighborhood in Durham, NC. It is the result of collaboration between the EK Powe PTA and Principal, Ellerbe Creek Watershed Association, Durham Matching Grants Program, Durham Public Schools…
On Forgiveness
Support Whistle Blowers: I used to harshly judge people who, after having knowingly enriched themselves in an unethical system, call out that system and try to lock the door behind them - hypocrites! But they are far better than the alternative majority, who knowingly enrich themselves in the same unethical system and wholeheartedly support it.
Protect Durham's Crown from Development
The Eno River needs protection from impervious development *again* 🥺. If you live in Durham or North Carolina, please write your elected representatives in support of saving the land surrounding the Eno River and the few remaining pristine places we have left.
Covid PCR Test Results are wrong 20% or more of the time!?
How can we base quarantines, travel, and returns to work/school on tests that report false negatives, at best, 20% of the time? Please do NOT assume that you don't have COVID if you test negative but have symptoms of the illness. Read this article for details…
To Dr. Mubenga and the DPS Board of Education (re Principal Hiring Process)
This is the letter I sent to the Durham Public Schools Superintendent and School Board to implore them to *truly* choose a parent/teacher/community-oriented principal for my son’s and all Durham public schools, not just by their words but by the expectations that are communicated to prospective candidates as well as their previous records in this regard.
I felt the same way when I first heard Coldplay's Guns that I did when I first read Jonathon Swift's Modest Proposal. Even the most obvious and entertaining presentation of the truth won't change people's minds; but it can instigate and perpetuate the discussion until it leads to action.
Public School Use of Covid Funds for Outdoor Learning Should Incorporate Curricula and Sustainability
It is my understanding that Durham Public Schools (DPS) is going to focus a significant proportion of its COVID funding on outdoor learning, and I am thrilled to hear it! However, my 15-years experience with DPS administration is that ‘outdoor learning’ is too often interpreted as benches, gazebos and sidewalks (and maybe a few potted plants), which may provide outdoor seating areas but do not exactly encourage engagement and learning.