Elementary Plants Rotation, Days 3 and 4: Roots!
Last week, I introduced our Plants Rotation (for advanced 1st and 4th graders) with two lessons covering the evolution of plants and life, in general. Days 3 and 4 were spent on the parts of the plant, particularly the ROOTS.
Here is a pdf of my *Roots* PowerPoint presentation with links to websites providing background information, fun educational videos and activities, or both. It covers two lessons - the first goes through slide/page 8, and the second starts on page 9. (Please allow a couple minutes to download and view the file.)
Thanks for supporting these free lesson plans by checking out my website, scheduling me for a hands-on educational workshop, and/or purchasing one of my children’s books.
* Some key websites contained in the PowerPoint:
Intro to Roots 1 ....... Intro to Roots 2
Plant Parts ....... Food Sense: Root Vegetables
Roots Station Lab ....... Food Storage in Roots
Stems versus Roots ....... Root Systems, Structures, and Functions
Taproots and Trees ........ The Hidden World of Roots
Why Desert Plants need Long Roots ....... Roots Experiment
Armadilly Chili by Helen Kettemen
* Lotus Plant Links:
Lotus Roots ... Another Oddity of Lotus Roots
Why Eat Lotus Roots ... Culinary Uses of Lotus Roots
What is a Rhizome? ... Harvesting and Dividing Lotus Rhizomes
Water Lilies versus Lotus Plants ... Spiritual Meaning of the Lotus
Symbolism and Meaning of the Lotus Flower