Pleasant Surprises: Durham Home Hair Stylist

My #ThemeSong today is Blue Light by Prince, because it was a favorite of a particularly funky high school friend and because of my post below 🦋. (Note: Some of the video is risqué, but what did you expect from Prince?)



During Covid, my friend Marshunda (the mother of one of my son’s classmates at EK Powe Elementary School in Durham, NC) set up a salon room in her house (she is trained in cosmotology). Meanwhile, my daughter dyed my long hair “Menopausal Covid Red”. I’d never dyed my hair before; and it was fun even if my husband didn’t like it 🙃. It also wasn’t going to grow out any time soon. I watched the line of gray move from the top of my head downward ; and, around the eight-month mark, I texted Marshunda that I wanted her to give me rainbow hair once the COVID stuff calms down- dye my gray roots blue now, green next year, etc. So yesterday, I visited her sparkly, feel-good salon room; and she cut, dyed and styled my hair the way I remember when I was a teenager. It took a whole two hours, which went by quickly with our catching up.

I was nervous when the time came to finally rinse the dye out of my hair. “It’s like unveiling a tie-dye,” I said. “I know it’s gonna look a little freaky.”

“It’s not gonna look freaky,” Marshunda assured me, turning on the water. She oohed and ahhed sincerely as the dye surged in a river of brown from my head.

She blowed my hair dry and asked if she could straighten it. “Of course!” I said. “We’ve already died it blue.”

Like a teenage girlfriend or mother, Marshunda lovingly brushed and straightened my hair, revealing my shiny, almost-black blue hair as it morphed, from the top of my head to my shoulder blades, into a healthy maroon-red mane. We both love how it turned out, and I am positive Marshunda saved me from a more carnival color had my daughter and I done this at home.

The price was better than right too - and less than I expected (of course, I left a good tip 😘).

This afternoon, while running errands, I noticed people noticing my hair with positivity (much like I used to notice people noticing my old child-painted minivan); and several strangers complimented me ♥️. It was a super positive day, which is worth more than the new do 😇.

If you live in or around Durham, NC, and you are looking for someone to cut and style your hair (or you just haven’t been in a long time, like me), you really must look up Marshunda. Email me at for her contact info!

Melissa Rooney

Melissa Bunin Rooney writes picture books, poetry and freelance; reviews picture books for New York Journal of Books and live performances for Triangle Theater Review; provides literary and scientific editing services for American Journal Experts, scientific researchers and students; and writes and manages grants for 501c3 nonprofit Urban Sustainability Solutions. She also provides STEM and literary workshops and residencies for schools and organizations through the Durham Arts Council’s Creative Arts in Public and Private Schools (CAPS) program.

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