Leanne Bernard's Masterful Lady Bracknell Is the Star of Stone Soup Theatre Company's Rendition of Oscar Wilde's The Importance of Being Earnest
Published, Arts, Relationships Melissa Rooney Published, Arts, Relationships Melissa Rooney

Leanne Bernard's Masterful Lady Bracknell Is the Star of Stone Soup Theatre Company's Rendition of Oscar Wilde's The Importance of Being Earnest

Stone Soup Theatre Company's Feb. 21-March 2 presentation of The Importance of Being Earnest is a production worth seeing. Oscar Wilde's sharp critique of Victorian society is as relevant and funny today as it was in 1895. If you've never experienced The Importance of Being Earnest, this is your opportunity to see it in a charming, unconventional setting. The production is sure to leave you with a smile on your face and a few of the play's iconic lines ringing in your ears.

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A Beautiful Noise: The Neil Diamond Musical at DPAC Is FABULOUS, with Flawless Music and Acoustics
Published, Arts, Relationships, Community, Music, Inspiration Melissa Rooney Published, Arts, Relationships, Community, Music, Inspiration Melissa Rooney

A Beautiful Noise: The Neil Diamond Musical at DPAC Is FABULOUS, with Flawless Music and Acoustics

On Tuesday, Jan. 7th, I attended the opening-night performance of A Beautiful Noise: The Neil Diamond Musical at the Durham Performing Arts Center with my mother-in-law, who experienced Neil Diamond's music as it was released; but I had never been a Neil Diamond fan. Well, I am now…

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The Game by Bekah Brunsetter Explores the Impact of an MMORPG-Addicted Spouse on His Marriage
Published, Arts, Relationships, Community Melissa Rooney Published, Arts, Relationships, Community Melissa Rooney

The Game by Bekah Brunsetter Explores the Impact of an MMORPG-Addicted Spouse on His Marriage

Though based on Aristophanes' Lysistrata, The Game is set in current-day Troy, North Carolina, not ancient Troy in Asia Minor. It features five women of differing generations and circumstances, who have formed a support group for women whose partners are addicted to the massively multiplayer online role-playing game(MMORPG) aptly called The Game.

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Mrs. Doubtfire at DPAC Is WONDERFUL!
Published, Arts, Relationships Melissa Rooney Published, Arts, Relationships Melissa Rooney

Mrs. Doubtfire at DPAC Is WONDERFUL!

I had my doubts about going to see the Durham Performing Arts Center's presentation of the 2021 Broadway musical comedy Mrs. Doubtfire. I couldn't imagine anyone holding a flame to Robin Williams' performance in the movie. But I was more than pleasantly surprised -- at some points, nearly ecstatic -- by two-time Tony nominee Rob McClure's multifaceted performance as Daniel Hilliard, the man-child protagonist of the production.

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James Ijames' Fat Ham at PlayMakers Rep Gives Shakespeare's Hamlet a New and Colorful Twist
Published, Arts, Relationships Melissa Rooney Published, Arts, Relationships Melissa Rooney

James Ijames' Fat Ham at PlayMakers Rep Gives Shakespeare's Hamlet a New and Colorful Twist

“Fat Ham, playing now through Feb. 18th in the Paul Green Theatre, is the most recent play by James Ijames' (pronounced "times" without the "t") that is based on Shakespeare's Hamlet. But rather than focusing on an outdated Danish royal family, Fat Ham centers on a contemporary Black family at a cookout in none other than North Carolina.”

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On Your Feet! The Story of Emilio & Gloria Estefan is a Pop Concert, Dance Party, Documentary, and Musical Theater, All Rolled Into One
Published, Arts, Relationships, Community, Music, Inspiration Melissa Rooney Published, Arts, Relationships, Community, Music, Inspiration Melissa Rooney

On Your Feet! The Story of Emilio & Gloria Estefan is a Pop Concert, Dance Party, Documentary, and Musical Theater, All Rolled Into One

“It's a shame that there is only one more performance of On Your Feet! -- at 7:30 p.m. tonight at DPAC. The house should be filled for the show's final Durham performance, and audience members should inform the producers and DPAC that they want it back for a longer run next year.”

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John Frazier Lights Up the PSI Stage as Ladies' Man Garry Essendine in Noël Coward's Present Laughter
Published, Arts, Relationships, Community Melissa Rooney Published, Arts, Relationships, Community Melissa Rooney

John Frazier Lights Up the PSI Stage as Ladies' Man Garry Essendine in Noël Coward's Present Laughter

Present Laughter, which was written in 1939, but not staged until 1942, due to World War II, opens on a young woman in her dressing robe, waiting in a sitting room for world-loved comic actor Garry Essendine to emerge from his bedroom. Daphne, played in dramatic juvenile fashion by Dani Coan, forgot her latchkey the previous night and had to spend the night in Essendine's "spare room" …

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Four-Wheeled Litmus Test

Four-Wheeled Litmus Test

… Pedestrians in Northern Virginia and DC stopped to tell us they liked the van. In New Jersey, drivers in one suburb would smile and wave, while those in an immediately adjacent suburb would grimace with condescension. Massachusetts residents were generally unimpressed; my brother-in-law thought the van looked stupid, and his teenage son preferred it wasn’t parked in front of their house…

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One Year Since Jan 6, and Still No Consequences for then Commander in Chief
Government and Accountability Melissa Rooney Government and Accountability Melissa Rooney

One Year Since Jan 6, and Still No Consequences for then Commander in Chief

We managed to score last minute tickets to the Holocaust Museum, where we spent hours reading through the horrifying evidence of genocide on display. The subtlety of Hitler's intentions preceding WWII and how his propaganda methods shielded the German population from recognizing and impeding them are undeniably similar to the methods used by former president Trump and his supporting legislators.

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Berkeley Springs and the Paw Paw Tunnel:  A Worthwhile and Affordable Weekend Getaway

Berkeley Springs and the Paw Paw Tunnel: A Worthwhile and Affordable Weekend Getaway

June 20 was my husband’s and my 23rd wedding anniversary; so last Friday my mother came to stay with the kids, and we went to The Country Inn of Berkeley Springs, West Virginia, for the weekend. It was the first time we’d been alone for more than just a walk around the block since before the Covid quarantine started over a year ago, and the first time we’d gone away alone together for more than a night in years; so it would have to be horrible to be a disappointment. But our trip was filled with unexpected history and culture.

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Pleasant Surprises: Durham Home Hair Stylist

Pleasant Surprises: Durham Home Hair Stylist

During Covid, my friend Marshunda (the mother of one of my son’s classmates) set up a salon room in her house (she is trained in cosmotology). Meanwhile, my daughter dyed my long hair “Menopausal Covid Red”. I’d never dyed my hair before; and it was fun even if my husband didn’t like it 🙃. It also wasn’t going to grow out any time soon. I watched the line of gray move from the top of my head downward ; and, around the eight-month mark, I texted Marshunda that I wanted her to give me rainbow hair …

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Gum Stump Squirrel and Asheville

Gum Stump Squirrel and Asheville

Now for our (final) college update (at least for this year): Five days ago, with 36 hours to college deposit deadline, my 17-year-old son Seamus was still deciding between UNC-Asheville ($11K/year after scholarship and aid) and Berklee in Boston ($46K/year after mostly aid) in pursuit of a Music Technology/Production degree.

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The College Drama Continues, Mac

The College Drama Continues, Mac

My theme song today is, of course, the last college-apps composition and production from my 17-year-old son, Seamus. From everyone he/we have talked to (including Berklee grads), if Seamus wants to go into Music Production he should just move to LA, New York, Nashville, or another music city (including Asheville but with some disdain toward Boston) and actually get an entry-level job at a music production company rather than going into debt to Berklee. …

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Regarding Roth IRA's
Sustainability, Education, Money, Relationships Melissa Rooney Sustainability, Education, Money, Relationships Melissa Rooney

Regarding Roth IRA's

If you and/or your working kids haven't contributed to your own Roth IRAs yet, you should absolutely start this year. From the start, you should see it as a retirement investment account, not just a retirement savings account. Roth IRA contributions are taxed going in but not coming out, and you can take these out at any time.

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