Public School Use of Covid Funds for Outdoor Learning Should Incorporate Curricula and Sustainability

Public School Use of Covid Funds for Outdoor Learning Should Incorporate Curricula and Sustainability

…My 15-years experience with DPS administration is that ‘outdoor learning’ is too often interpreted as benches, gazebos and sidewalks (and maybe a few potted plants), which may provide outdoor seating areas but do not exactly encourage engagement and learning…

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City Budget for Green Programs/Jobs More than Just Lacking

City Budget for Green Programs/Jobs More than Just Lacking

This is the email I sent to Durham’s mayor and city council members today regarding the city budget: I am deeply concerned by this year's city budget's lack of new investment in green jobs, particularly for the Bionomic Educational Training Center (BETC) program and the Impaired Stream Improvement Program (ISIP). In fact, I think it is negligent of the city not to provide substantial funding for these two programs, given that…

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Gum Stump Squirrel and Asheville

Gum Stump Squirrel and Asheville

Now for our (final) college update (at least for this year): Five days ago, with 36 hours to college deposit deadline, my 17-year-old son Seamus was still deciding between UNC-Asheville ($11K/year after scholarship and aid) and Berklee in Boston ($46K/year after mostly aid) in pursuit of a Music Technology/Production degree.

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The College Drama Continues, Mac

The College Drama Continues, Mac

My theme song today is, of course, the last college-apps composition and production from my 17-year-old son, Seamus. From everyone he/we have talked to (including Berklee grads), if Seamus wants to go into Music Production he should just move to LA, New York, Nashville, or another music city (including Asheville but with some disdain toward Boston) and actually get an entry-level job at a music production company rather than going into debt to Berklee. …

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Seamus's Abyss
Children, Education, Community, Music, Relationships Melissa Rooney Children, Education, Community, Music, Relationships Melissa Rooney

Seamus's Abyss

Thanks for the positive feedback and informative responses to my last post regarding choosing between Berklee and UNC-Asheville for Child #2. We still have not received a financial package from Berklee. The Berklee admissions office told Seamus his official transcript was not received in time and that we should receive the financial details in a couple weeks. His decision is due May 1, mind you (exactly 2 weeks away).

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Lesson Plan: Plants and Spring Planting

Lesson Plan: Plants and Spring Planting

Shortly after the Coronavirus quarantine started last year, my elementary-school 'pod' and I did a 4-days plants rotation … So today we planted the seeds of several spring vegetables … All three types of seeds are large and beautifully round, like tiny marbles. Using a ruler, we compared their sizes and found that …

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Judy Garland's Ever Elusive Rainbow

Judy Garland's Ever Elusive Rainbow

Judy Garland first recorded “Over the Rainbow” for The Wizard of Oz with MGM on October 7, 1938. Since then, the Recording Industry Association of America and the National Endowment for the Arts ranked the song number one on the “Songs of the Century” list, and the American Film Institute named it the greatest movie song of all time on the list of “AFI’s 100 Years…100 Songs.” Somewhere Over the Rainbow was adopted in World War II by American troops in Europe as a symbol of the United States…

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Remembering Mr. Hammond

Remembering Mr. Hammond

My #ThemeSong today, once again, is Helplessness Blues by Fleet Foxes. It's one of my all-time favorites, and today the chorus calls to mind the life of SamHammond, long-time carillonneur at Duke University (53 years, daily(!)) and generous accompanist for Duke University String School (local elementary through high-school students, many on scholarship), who passed away recently. …

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#VoiceInMyHead Today (re Teachers)

#VoiceInMyHead Today (re Teachers)

We need to start paying teachers the salaries of both caretakers and educators if we want to maintain the system as it is. Teachers have shown they can do it, which is why we are demanding they do it now. But the current situation is not sustainable unless …

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Durham Elementary Students to Return to In-person Learning 4 Days/Week (!)

Durham Elementary Students to Return to In-person Learning 4 Days/Week (!)

My last post concerned the debate over whether Durham Public Schools should resume in-person learning in order to accommodate state legislation mandating a return to in-person instruction within 15 days (of the legislation's passing). Discussion on the topic has become heated and personal, which I find sad and incredibly frustrating. The simple question is this: After doing remote learning for nearly 12 months, why are we forcing teachers and staff back into classrooms mere weeks ahead of ensuring they are administered the vaccination we've all been waiting for?

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Edelweiss and Remembering for Both of Us (ReadAloud)

Edelweiss and Remembering for Both of Us (ReadAloud)

Years after the book's release, Charlotte continues her involvement in improving our understanding and communication about Alzheimer's Disease, which her husband suffered before his passing. Remembering for Both of Us is *the* book to give a child (or a parent or grandparent) who has a family member suffering from Alzheimer's Disease or Dementia. Every physician/counselor in the field should have a copy of this book in their waiting room.

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AJR, Snow, Certitude and Sludge
Children, Inspiration, Music, Sustainability Melissa Rooney Children, Inspiration, Music, Sustainability Melissa Rooney

AJR, Snow, Certitude and Sludge

“We wrote ‘BANG!’ about the weird middle-ground between being a kid and becoming an adult; a time when we’re doing all the things adults are supposed to do, but we don’t yet feel grown up,” says AJR. "The fact is, adulthood is bound to hit us at some point, so the plan we made in the song is to ‘go out with a bang.’" I'm at least twenty years older than these boys, and the sentiment applies to all of us, just the same.

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17 Jan 2021- 6 days off Facebook (Peter Gabriel, Watched Pots, and Edible Creations)

17 Jan 2021- 6 days off Facebook (Peter Gabriel, Watched Pots, and Edible Creations)

I came upon the Peter Gabriel song below for the first time today, when looking up the lyrics to Bon Iver's Holocene (one of my son's all-time favorites), and it melted my heart. I shared the song with my musically voracious son, who surprisingly hadn't heard it; and we agreed that it's crazy that, though hauntingly beautiful in its own right, Bon Iver's version is more well-known than Peter Gabriel's original…

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15 January 2021- Weaning off Facebook, Day 4 (Maria Ressa, Ruby Ibarra, and Ginger Dressing)
Children, Medicine and Health, Music Melissa Rooney Children, Medicine and Health, Music Melissa Rooney

15 January 2021- Weaning off Facebook, Day 4 (Maria Ressa, Ruby Ibarra, and Ginger Dressing)

I heard Ruby Ibarra's A Thousand Cuts for the first time last week, when I watched PBS's Frontline documentary about Maria Ressa, a well-known journalist who is now a top target of Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte. I've always felt that everyone has a little God/Jesus in them, some more than others - Maria Ressa definitely belongs in the latter category…

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Sustainably 'Wrapping' Your Christmas Presents
Children, Sustainability, Essays Melissa Rooney Children, Sustainability, Essays Melissa Rooney

Sustainably 'Wrapping' Your Christmas Presents

Here's a great way to get rid of some stuff that’s accumulated in your house, while saving money and reducing your contribution to the 2020 load of Xmas wrapping paper that will soon be stuffing our landfills. It’s also a great craft project for kids of all ages, and you don't have to worry about what to do with your creations once they're finished…

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Fifth Grade Poetry Lesson: Imitating the Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock

Fifth Grade Poetry Lesson: Imitating the Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock

#TheLoveSongOfJAlfredPrufrock was my 10YO’s and my literary lesson today (‘Wellness Wednesday’ for virtual public school). It just kinda happened because, as we were leaving the house this AM, K said, "Let us go then, you and I." I have been using this phrase for years to signal to the kids that we are finally leaving. It’s probably my favorite stanza, though I’m adding “Oh, do not ask, “What is it?” Let us go and make our visit”…

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