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Three Poetic Reminders. Don’t let your family or your world make you forget who you are and what you need. And when things get stressful, remember that we are all just “stardust contemplating stardust” (Carl Sagan).

Preventing Mass Shootings
There was a mass shooting scare this week at Eckerd College in St. Petersburg, Florida, where my daughter is a student. Fortunately, the three day waiting period required for gun purchase provided the time that the community and police needed to perceive and prevent the threat.

Ukraine, Green Tea, Saving Young, and the Return to Live Theater
This is what I would have posted on Facebook today if I were not weening myself off Facebook. From facilitating your teenagers’ contributions to their Roth IRA’s (incredibly important if they are ever to have retirement savings) to naturally controlling high blood pressure (or not), this post has several informative nuggets you’ll be happy you consumed.

Regarding Durham's Capital Improvement Plans (2021)
We must make more existing outdoor spaces and playgrounds -particularly those at public schools - environmentally sustainable in terms of stormwater management. Too many of them, particularly in underserved schools/communities are being flooded or washed away in ever increasing rain events, polluting our streams, rivers, and lakes, which effects low-income citizens far more than those who can afford to drink bottled water.

My Covid Followup
Since my post a few weeks ago about my family contracting COVID (and the disturbing revelation that negative Covid PCR tests are wrong at least 20% of the time), a lot of people have asked me what it was like to have COVID as a doubly vaccinated 50-year-old. Here's my best attempt at putting it into words:

Protect Durham's Crown from Development
The Eno River needs protection from impervious development *again* 🥺. If you live in Durham or North Carolina, please write your elected representatives in support of saving the land surrounding the Eno River and the few remaining pristine places we have left.

Covid PCR Test Results are wrong 20% or more of the time!?
How can we base quarantines, travel, and returns to work/school on tests that report false negatives, at best, 20% of the time? Please do NOT assume that you don't have COVID if you test negative but have symptoms of the illness. Read this article for details…

Do your Work, Seek your Path, and Maintain Your Community
In light of the people who get financial rewards they haven't worked for, don't deserve, or don't need, you wonder, "Why them and not me?"; you ponder the short cuts you could take to get where they are and the opportunities you've missed thanks to your naïveté…

Berkeley Springs and the Paw Paw Tunnel: A Worthwhile and Affordable Weekend Getaway
June 20 was my husband’s and my 23rd wedding anniversary; so last Friday my mother came to stay with the kids, and we went to The Country Inn of Berkeley Springs, West Virginia, for the weekend. It was the first time we’d been alone for more than just a walk around the block since before the Covid quarantine started over a year ago, and the first time we’d gone away alone together for more than a night in years; so it would have to be horrible to be a disappointment. But our trip was filled with unexpected history and culture.

City Budget for Green Programs/Jobs More than Just Lacking
This is the email I sent to Durham’s mayor and city council members today regarding the city budget: I am deeply concerned by this year's city budget's lack of new investment in green jobs, particularly for the Bionomic Educational Training Center (BETC) program and the Impaired Stream Improvement Program (ISIP). In fact, I think it is negligent of the city not to provide substantial funding for these two programs, given that…

Alison Krauss and Dead Raptor Fledglings
On May 20, my neighbor down the street sent a group text that said, “Our back alley pine tree hawk nest has two fledglings. Very fluffy. So cool!”…

Pleasant Surprises: Durham Home Hair Stylist
During Covid, my friend Marshunda (the mother of one of my son’s classmates) set up a salon room in her house (she is trained in cosmotology). Meanwhile, my daughter dyed my long hair “Menopausal Covid Red”. I’d never dyed my hair before; and it was fun even if my husband didn’t like it 🙃. It also wasn’t going to grow out any time soon. I watched the line of gray move from the top of my head downward ; and, around the eight-month mark, I texted Marshunda that I wanted her to give me rainbow hair …

The Kinks, Predatory Marketing, Durham's Elf, and Feline Broccoli
Fat cats eating broccoli and other musings on another capitalistic American day.

N.C. Bill Hinders Local Tree Protection Ordinances, Underscores Need to End Gerrymandering
A couple weeks ago, our tree maintenance company requested that we contact our state legislators to oppose a NC bill requiring localities to receive state approval for future (and many existing) tree protection requirements. For decades, the state-created NC Forest Service has encouraged and assisted local governments in Developing Tree Protection Ordinances. NC State and other NC Universities have also gone to great lengths to educate local governments and the public about the importance and ways to develop tree protection ordinances. And now the Republican-majority NC General Assembly is setting itself up to negate these same local tree protection ordinances.

Lesson Plan: Plants and Spring Planting
Shortly after the Coronavirus quarantine started last year, my elementary-school 'pod' and I did a 4-days plants rotation … So today we planted the seeds of several spring vegetables … All three types of seeds are large and beautifully round, like tiny marbles. Using a ruler, we compared their sizes and found that …

Everyday Addiction
I have been off Facebook (for personal posts) for 10 weeks now. Most interesting has been the diminishing absence of the sporadic jab of anxiety that accompanies each impulse to check my notifications or post a new thought or photo…

Eulogy for My 2014 MacBook Air
Yesterday, like a sign from the Universe, I accidentally killed my MacBook Air. I felt the urge to be with my 7-year-old computer as it died there on the table. The software was still working like nothing had happened, but the hardware was clearly taking its last breaths. To pass the time, I logged into my blog and began typing the following eulogy to my old inanimate friend. …

#VoiceInMyHead Today (re Teachers)
We need to start paying teachers the salaries of both caretakers and educators if we want to maintain the system as it is. Teachers have shown they can do it, which is why we are demanding they do it now. But the current situation is not sustainable unless …

Durham Elementary Students to Return to In-person Learning 4 Days/Week (!)
My last post concerned the debate over whether Durham Public Schools should resume in-person learning in order to accommodate state legislation mandating a return to in-person instruction within 15 days (of the legislation's passing). Discussion on the topic has become heated and personal, which I find sad and incredibly frustrating. The simple question is this: After doing remote learning for nearly 12 months, why are we forcing teachers and staff back into classrooms mere weeks ahead of ensuring they are administered the vaccination we've all been waiting for?

From a Teacher in Durham, North Carolina, on the Forced Reopening of Schools
A Durham, NC, public school teacher’s take on North Carolina’s forced reopening of schools for in-person learning, and Durham Public Schools planned response.